I decided to join the other crochet and knit blogs and share a work in progress. I wish I could also share "finish it friday" with the same project, but this one is slow going.
After several false starts....(see pictures) I went all out and bought a whole new set of yarn and changed the pattern drastically. I could not fine 5 shades of one color to match in order to make a monochromatic throw. This afghan is slow slow slow going because of using homespun. Note to self, in a time crunch don't use homespun. Also, note to self....check gauge or figure out how to do a foundation chain for any size afghan.
There is a minor problem, according to my calculation, this new afghan is as wide as a queen size bed (62"). And, it will be only about 36" wide with my current yarn supply. oops. I am thinking I will need to add the color pattern one more time at least 1 more time, maybe 2. Each color pattern adds 11 inches and also at least 3 days per color pattern. Five rows of one color per day is about all I can manage. What would you suggest?