I'm just following along a blog and doing Ten Thought Tuesday....I thought maybe it would help be just a normal person.
1. Its Therapy Day for Two. I am tired of tears.
2. The green hills are beautiful. Daffodils make it even prettier.
3. I added a new color to my hair. I dared to be different
4. Mexican Train dominoes with the ladies is good for the brain. Also another normal activity to help me.
5. Normal. what is normal? What if I am normal, what would "screwed up" be like?
6. Today I am feeling pretty good and confident, which is usually a challenge.
7. I bought a loom book yesterday. I have enough projects lined up to reach to San Francisco.
8. I'm running out of thoughts. Does that mean I have an empty mind?
9. It feels good to give nice things to people that you know they will love and appreciate.
10. I know I will be OK no matter what crosses my path. I will be OK.